Some girls, who used to be slim prior to their marriage, gain weight gradually after marriage. This is due to the changed eating habits or eating rich food to which they might not be used to previously. Perhaps a more care free & comfortable life is also to be blamed for this. This is acceptable to them as well as to their spouses now to consider their weight gain as a sign of good health until they become pregnant.
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Obesity right from the first month of pregnancy has its own disadvantages. The fatty tissues in the abdomen make it difficult for the expanding uterus, as the months advance exert great pressure on the bladder & bowels, disturbing the function of these waste eliminating organs. Wrong conceptions about the needs of a pregnant woman that she should eat double the amount of food to feed her and her child to be born and she should rest and relax more to preserve her energy for the time of labour. Nothing is near the truth, because the correct way of sensible eating & mild exercises & activities till the time of delivery facilitated a normal & comfortable delivery of a healthy child.
Sometimes, competition creates greater enthusiasm to eat more, at times it happens that just for the sake of it, people over eat when they are in company. But all this leads to progressive addiction to food. When a person is engaged in some work the need to eat is not felt much as it is when he sits idle watching games, sports or even while chatting or traveling. Having nothing else to do, they indulge in eating every now and then.
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Addiction substitutes:
Addiction to drugs, cigarettes & alcohol also cause obesity but not in every one. Sometimes, to quit the habit of smoking or drinking, some people seek substitutes happen to be food, which are high in calories. They seem to be mostly chocolates, other sweets or tasty fast food. Some psychological reasons can be attributed for such behavior. Most of the persons who decide to give up smoking or drinking have a feeling that by abstaining from these, they are depriving themselves of the pleasure they derive by indulging in them. They also feel that they should eat more of such food lest they should suffer from physical weakness. If they are advised or forced by others to quit smoking or alcohol, they almost invariably feel that they are obliging others by giving it a try. Therefore, they wish to compensate by eating what they like most, but not what could be a productive substitute.
Drugs that contain mercury & arsenic are prescribes for a variety of diseases. These if taken on a regular basis, result in obesity. |
Follow the above mentioned tips to lead a healthy and a happy life.