Let Me Tell You About FAMILY.
Let me tell you abaout FAMILY.
F-ather A-nd M-other I L-ove You.
Appreciate Everything! Life is so Amazing..

Having someone to love is…
Having someplace to go is …
Having both is a…..
Do you know which is the best part of life? When your family understands you as a friend and Your friends support you as your family…
SMILES add value to our FACE..
LOVE adds value to our HEART.
RESPECT adds value to our BEHAVIOR.
and FRIENDS & FAMILY add value to our LIFE…!!! ♥♥♥
Having someone to love is…
Having someplace to go is …
Having both is a…..
SMILES add value to our FACE..
LOVE adds value to our HEART.
RESPECT adds value to our BEHAVIOR.
and FRIENDS & FAMILY add value to our LIFE…!!! ♥♥♥
You should never sacrifice three things : Your family,your heart,or your dignity .
If you wish to be in your children memories Tomorrow … you have to spend time in their lives today…