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Monday, July 29, 2024

Smartness is good but Over smartness is very bad.


Smartness is good but Over smartness is very bad.

There are so many employee in our company they understand they can do any thing , they can explain any thing , they think that they are more smarter than others colleague . Some are really smart but some one are not enough smart bur they show off they are also smart.

My View

Smart - Who takes right decision at right time. Who tries to understand all the thing. Who accept their mistake and keep ready to improvise him self.Who reply later ,listen first.

Over - Smart - Who understands what he is and what he does ,what he says is right, and never ready to accept that they can be wrong. Who tries to convince forcibly that what he says is always right ans never accept their faults in spite of their mistakes

At Last 

There are no one is smart.There are no one is perfect. There are always chances for mistakes.Therefore, be smart but not be over smart. Smartness is this when you accept your faults and ready to learn from others.

Safety... You will regret if you forget...!


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Empowering Others By: Brian Tracy

 Empowering Others

By: Brian Tracy
Get the Cooperation of Others
Empowering people is the key to building a high-performance team. Once you
empower people by learning how to motivate and inspire them, they will want
to work with you to help you achieve your goals in everything you do. Your
ability to enlist the knowledge, energy and resources of others enables you
to become a multiplication sign, to leverage yourself so that you accomplish
far more than the average person and in a far shorter period of time.

Determine the Key People to Empower
There are three types of people that you want to and need to empower on a
regular basis. They are, first of all, the people closest to you: your
family, your friends, your spouse and your children. Second are your work
relationships: your staff, your coworkers, your peers, your colleagues and
even your boss. Third are all the other people that you interact with in
your day-to-day life: your customers, your suppliers, your banker, the
people with whom you deal in stores, restaurants, airplanes, hotels and
everywhere else. In each case, your ability to get people to help you is
what will make you a more powerful and effective person.

Always Be Positive
Empower means "putting power into," and it can also mean "bringing energy
and enthusiasm out of." So the first step in empowering people is to refrain
from doing anything that disempowers them or reduces their energy and
enthusiasm for what they are doing.

There are things you can do every single day to empower people and make them
feel good about themselves.

Satisfy the Deepest Needs
The deepest need that each person has is for self-esteem, a sense of being
important, valuable and worthwhile. Everything that you do in your
interactions with others affects their self-esteem in some way. You already
have an excellent frame of reference to determine the things that you can do
to boost the self-esteem and therefore the sense of personal power of those
around you. Give them what you'd like for yourself.

Continually Express Appreciation
Perhaps the simplest way to make another person feel good about himself or
herself is your continuous expressions of appreciation for everything that
person does for you, large or small. Say "thank you" on every occasion.

Thank your spouse for everything that he or she does for you. Thank your
children for their cooperation and support in everything that they do around
the house. Thank your friends for the smallest acts of kindnesses. The more
you thank other people for doing things for you, the more things those other
people will want to do.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, continually look for ways to make people feel more valuable and
important. Say things to others that you would like others to say to you.

Second, express appreciation for everything anyone does for you, large or
small. Say the words, "thank you" on every occasion.
Safety... You will regret if you forget...!
