<><>Good Morning<><>

Thousands Of Yesterdays Are Gone.
Millions Of Tomorrow Will Come.
But There Is Only One Today.
So Enjoy Your Today.
With Lots Of Smile & Happiness.
Friendship - We feel happy, comfortable with our friends.
Friend is a
necessary aspect of every humans life. Friendship is the gift to
mankind…Many people think that friendship is a divine gift.
Friendship reminds us about all the people who came in our lives and
dear to us. Friendship, defined from Webster’s Dictionary as a friendly
feeling, but it is very difficult to describe the feeling which we have
for our friends.
Most people living on this earth believes that friends are the
most important part of their lives. There are lots of sayings, quotes,
movies and music about the theme of friendship. Friendship is a never
ending journey in which individual always remain close with each
another through thick and thin. True friends are those who protect you
from harm and give you a good company and true deep value from their
There is no specific place where you can make friends but true
friends are difficult to find, however you can make your friendship
strong by interaction, sharing your thoughts, taking interest in your
friends hobbies and as well as encouraging them to achieve their goal.
When ever we are alone or sad we share our feelings with our friends
which we can not do with anybody else. We feel happy, comfortable with
our friends and by sharing our problems with them they can give us a
good ideas from which we can sort out our problem.
To conclude I can say that in my opinion friendship is
something that no one can avoid but is also something that if never
avoided can become a blessing in disguise…………….
“Life was so simple when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits!!!!”

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