What Is AIDS?
AIDS is the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a serious illness that harms the body's ability to fight infection. A person with AIDS is unable to fight certain infections and cancers that are usually mild or rare in healthy people.
A virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) causes AIDS. A person infected with HIV -
AIDS is the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a serious illness that harms the body's ability to fight infection. A person with AIDS is unable to fight certain infections and cancers that are usually mild or rare in healthy people.
A virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) causes AIDS. A person infected with HIV -
- May pass the virus to others
- Show no signs of infections
- Develop symptoms of HIV infections
- Develop AIDS
AIDS Is A Spectrum of Diseases!
As of now, there is no cure for AIDS. As the name indicates, AIDS is a syndrome, which means that it's a spectrum of diseases. At one end of the spectrum, a person infected with AIDS has no problems, apparently he is absolutely fine.
Towards the other end of the spectrum, the person develops AIDS, showing signs and symptoms of diseases that are rarely detected in a healthy individual. On an average, there is a time gap of 5- 10 years between the two ends of the spectrum; and once the person develops AIDS then life expectancy is usually an year or so.
What Happens Inside the Body when HIV Enters?
HIV as the name indicates, attacks the immune system of the body making it weaker and weaker. In our body, the cells called as lymphocytes act as the police force against any infection. HIV slowly and persistently destroys this police force.
Usually it takes 5-10 years before the body can no longer defend. At this point the person starts developing certain diseases that are very rare in a healthy individual.
How Is HIV Passed From One Person to Another?
AIDS spreads through sexual contact and through blood and blood products. Thus HIV can spread through -
As of now, there is no cure for AIDS. As the name indicates, AIDS is a syndrome, which means that it's a spectrum of diseases. At one end of the spectrum, a person infected with AIDS has no problems, apparently he is absolutely fine.
Towards the other end of the spectrum, the person develops AIDS, showing signs and symptoms of diseases that are rarely detected in a healthy individual. On an average, there is a time gap of 5- 10 years between the two ends of the spectrum; and once the person develops AIDS then life expectancy is usually an year or so.
What Happens Inside the Body when HIV Enters?
HIV as the name indicates, attacks the immune system of the body making it weaker and weaker. In our body, the cells called as lymphocytes act as the police force against any infection. HIV slowly and persistently destroys this police force.
Usually it takes 5-10 years before the body can no longer defend. At this point the person starts developing certain diseases that are very rare in a healthy individual.
AIDS spreads through sexual contact and through blood and blood products. Thus HIV can spread through -
Sexual intercourse with an infected person -
AIDS This includes vaginal, anal and oral intercourse.
AIDS This includes vaginal, anal and oral intercourse.
By sharing an infected needle or syringe -AIDS This includes vaginal, anal and oral intercourse.
This may occur with blood transfusion, if the donor's blood has not been checked for HIV.
Now it is mandatory to check every unit of blood collected in the blood bank for the presence of HIV antibodies. If the blood is found to be HIV +ve then that blood is discarded.
From an infected mother to her baby -
This Mother can pass the virus in three ways:
- To her unborn baby before birth
- During the process of birth
- <After birth through breast-feeding
Current research shows that HIV is not spread through casual contact or through air. Casual contact is the kind you have with people during everyday activities, such as -
Effects on the Body
When HIV infects the body, different effects are possible.
Most people do not show any signs of infection
During the incubation period, which can vary from a few months to a few years, the person does not show any signs of infection. They look and feel healthy but they can still pass the virus to others.
Some people go on to develop symptoms of HIV infection
As the infection progresses, symptoms become apparent. It may take many years for symptoms to appear. Symptoms may include -
When HIV infects the body, different effects are possible.
Most people do not show any signs of infection
During the incubation period, which can vary from a few months to a few years, the person does not show any signs of infection. They look and feel healthy but they can still pass the virus to others.
Some people go on to develop symptoms of HIV infection
As the infection progresses, symptoms become apparent. It may take many years for symptoms to appear. Symptoms may include -
- Fever and night sweats
- Rapid unexplained weight loss
- Swollen glands in the neck, underarm and groin
- Constant tiredness and loss of appetite
- White spots in the mouth
Though these symptoms do not necessarily indicate AIDS, it is better to take your physician's opinion if these symptoms have been present for more than a week.
Some people infected with HIV develop aids
Their immune system becomes very weak, turning normally mild, harmless and rare diseases into potentially fatal diseases. These include various types of viral fungal and bacterial diseases such as -
Some people infected with HIV develop aids
Their immune system becomes very weak, turning normally mild, harmless and rare diseases into potentially fatal diseases. These include various types of viral fungal and bacterial diseases such as -
- Fever and night sweats
- Rapid unexplained weight loss
- Swollen glands in the neck, underarm and groin
- Constant tiredness and loss of appetite
- White spots in the mouth
This may produce -
- Confusion
- Forgetfulness
- A non-caring attitude
- Inability to make decisions
- Problems with coordination
Is There A Test for Aids?
There is a blood test that shows if HIV had ever infected a person. The test looks for HIV antibodies. These antibodies are the signs that the person has been infected. They usually develop within 6 months of infection.
So if a person has been infected with HIV less than 6 months ago, then the test result may come as negative in which case it is safer to get retested after 6 months.
There is a blood test that shows if HIV had ever infected a person. The test looks for HIV antibodies. These antibodies are the signs that the person has been infected. They usually develop within 6 months of infection.
So if a person has been infected with HIV less than 6 months ago, then the test result may come as negative in which case it is safer to get retested after 6 months.
Is There A Cure for AIDS?
No. There is no cure for AIDS as of now. But researchers are working hard to find ways to help people who have AIDS and to prevent others from getting AIDS. Various Antiviral drugs have been tried to treat HIV,
- Drugs to prevent HIV from reproducing
- Drugs to boost the immune system
Surgery, radiation and other drug treatments -
To help patients overcome infections and cancers commonly found in people infected with HIV.
However no treatment has yet been successful in completely restoring the immune system of the body.
As explained earlier, HIV attacks the body's immune system, the body's natural defense against disease. Damage to the immune system leaves the body vulnerable to secondary illnesses that can be fatal.
Protect Yourself from HIV:Not having sex is safest -
To help patients overcome infections and cancers commonly found in people infected with HIV.
However no treatment has yet been successful in completely restoring the immune system of the body.
As explained earlier, HIV attacks the body's immune system, the body's natural defense against disease. Damage to the immune system leaves the body vulnerable to secondary illnesses that can be fatal.
Abstinence from sex is the only sure way to avoid HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.
If you decide to have sex, always use condom -
Do not shoot drugs -
Sharing needles is a dangerously easy way to pass HIV infections. Try and quit drugs. If you can not quit right away, STOP sharing needles or syringes.
Postpone Pregnancy -
If you think you are likely to have been infected with AIDS and contact your physician.
Postpone Pregnancy -
- Know how HIV is and is not spread
- Do not let anyone pressurise you into having sex
- Do not shoot drugs of any kind
- Use a latex condom if you decide to have sex
- Follow the above mentioned tips to lead a healthy and a happy life.ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR
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