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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Alcohol dependence

What is alcoholism?

abuse is a condition in which a person drinks to the point that this
habit interferes with his or her life. Alcohol dependence describes a
more severe condition marked by physical symptoms and loss of control
to the point, that maintaining the addiction to alcohol becomes the
main focus of a person's life. The physical dependence on alcohol is
continued despite the knowledge of its harmful consequences.

dependence on alcohol is continued despite the harmful consequences.
There is an inability to limit the drinking despite continued efforts.
The person drinks more and more alcohol to achieve a particular state
of mind (colloq. “high'). He may also drink more to lessen depressive
feelings, which are worse when the person is not under the influence of
alcohol. Signs of physical dependence include bodily changes, such as
shakes, 'delirium tremens' (withdrawal symptoms), or sweats on
cessation of drinking.

is a common illness. It is especially serious in older people, since
other medical problems are made worse by alcohol.

How does it occur?

factors may lead to alcohol dependence. These can include genetic
factors, family environment, ongoing stress, self medication for
emotional problems such as depression or anxiety and the nature of
alcohol. Grief, loneliness, depression, or boredom could lead to
drinking late in life.

What are the symptoms?

dependence can manifest itself in different patterns. Drinking may
range from daily excessive drinking to binge drinking. Tolerance refers
to the fact that many alcoholics drink ever-larger amounts of alcohol
before feeling or getting drunk. By the time one has progressed from
alcohol abuse to alcohol dependence, it is necessary to consume the
same to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

who are dependent on alcohol may try to hide evidence of drinking and
promise to give up the habit. They may drink stronger alcoholic
beverages and have long periods of drunkenness. Alcohol dependents may
have frequent episodes of blackouts ' times when they do not remember
what happened during the drinking episode.

there may be problems at work (like disinterest, missing work).
Interest in food is decreased. There may be mood changes (angry,
irritable, violent) and personality changes (jealous, distrustful).
People with alcohol dependence may scarcely care for personal or social
rules. They repeatedly drive while drunk, and may hurt themselves or
others. They are careless about their appearance, confused and have
memory problems, losing the ability to think quickly or concentrate,
and often have money problems.

physical symptoms include nausea or tremors in the morning, stomach
pain or ulcers, cramps or diarrhoea. They can have numbness, tingling
or weakness in the hands and legs, red eyes, face, or palms. The walk
may be unsteady and the person may fall frequently. Alcohol is toxic to
the brain, the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines, muscles,
eyes and the sexual organs. This toxicity leads to many medical

How is it diagnosed?

doctor will take a careful medical history of the symptoms including
the pattern of use of alcohol. The doctor will ask about the history of
using other drugs as well. Other important questions relate to the
ability to function socially, work history, family history, prior and
current emotional or mental problems and thoughts of suicide.

doctor will examine to look for medical problems caused by alcohol use.
Lab tests of urine and blood may be done. The most frequent and severe
effects of alcoholism are problems with emotions, relationships,
accidents and work, and medical problems such as cirrhosis of liver.

How is it treated?

aim of treatment is to stop the person from drinking alcohol
completely, referred to as abstinence. People who are mild alcohol
abusers can stop or reduce alcohol drinking on their own. But people
who have gone as far as becoming alcohol dependent must be assisted to
become, and more importantly, remain abstinent. Relapse to drinking is
common in the early period of recovery. The patient must be helped to
limit these slips and get back to abstinence as soon as possible.
Patients who are alcohol dependent may also go through a unique phase
of denial ' where they feel that they will be able to stop drinking
whenever they want to. This prevents them from seeking professional
help to sort out their problem.

and social rehabilitation help in recovery. Family members should be
included in the treatment program. After immediate withdrawal from
alcohol (detoxification), long-term rehabilitative treatment is needed.
Initially hospital based treatment followed by outpatient treatment at
de-addiction clinics is required. A support program for rehabilitation
plays a very important role in treatment.

Support groups like "The Alcoholics Anonymous" in
India and abroad, form a key part of rehabilitation of patients with
alcohol dependence. One of the most important aspects of alcohol
counselling and treatment is to learn the behaviour patterns that lead
to drinking. It is important to recognize these patterns and change
them. Health related problems can often be controlled or prevented by
stopping drinking. However, severe damage to the liver or pancreas can
be long-lasting and ultimately fatal.

Follow the above mentioned tips to lead a healthy and a happy life.


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