of us tend to neglect our backs, till one day, when we least expect it;
it strikes us - the nagging backache! The physical stress of every day
life, our lack of physical fitness and posture awareness make all of us
liable to back trouble.
It is estimated that 8 out 10 people
will suffer from back pain at some time in their life, most commonly
between the ages of 30 and 40.
Healthy Back
healthy back is strong, flexible, and pain free. Its functions are to
support your body, protect your spinal cord, allow flexibility and
provides point of attachment for your muscles and ligaments.
short, your back lets you… Walk Sit Stand Lift Bend Work Play Sleep
Normal spine has three curves - cervical, thoracic and lumbar curves.
healthy spine is properly aligned, with its three natural curves in
their normal, balanced position, supported by strong muscles of the
back, abdomen, buttocks and legs.
So, your back is a complex system that consists of -
- The spine
It has 33 vertebrae. The vertebrae are connected by ligaments and are separated by intervertebral discs that act as cushions. - The spinal cord
Spinal cord is like a thick “cable” of nerves. These nerves control all activities below the level of neck. - Nerves
31 pairs of nerves branch out from the spinal cord, sending information
to the brain and carrying orders to the muscles. - Muscles
There are various muscles that are attached to the vertebral column. These help to produce movements in all the directions.
begins when nerve endings receive abnormal stimulation. The brain sorts
out all nerve impulses, interprets the stimulation as pain. In response
to the pain, often-back muscles try to protect the back, and go into
spasm (contraction) to make the area immobile.
This spasm can
cause pain and stiffness if it remains for a long time. Since the
vertebrae, inter-vertebral discs and muscles of the back are supplied
by nerve endings, various interrelated conditions can lead to back
pain. Apart from common physical illness, stress, fatigue, and
anxieties of daily life can significantly increase the back pain.
Why Should I Get Backache?
There are various reasons for backache.
Common problems that affect the back include -
Back strains and sprains
: These occur when back muscles or ligaments are stretched or torn.
Sprains usually result from common activities such as bending, lifting,
standing or sitting done improperly. It can also occur due to injury or
accident.- Ruptured discs:
Ruptured discs can cause severe pain and disability. The ruptured disc
can press onto the nerves leading to pain. If pressure persists then it
may lead to nerve damage. - Fractured vertebra:
Vertebral fracture may occur because of injury or accident. This may
lead to loss of movement and sensation below the level of injury. - Osteoarthritis:
Osteoarthritis is an aging process. It can affect the intervertebral
discs and bones of your back in varying degree. This can give rise to
pain. - Miscellaneous causes:
These include any condition that can affect the back as well as
structures adjacent to your back. Certain birth defects and abnormal
curvatures of the spine can also lead to backache. Poor posture, Lack of exercise, Overeating: Poor physical condition makes you prone to injury.
posture, lack of exercise and overeating are the worst enemies of your
back. Poor posture strains your back and makes it more vulnerable to
injury.Lack of exercise leads to flabby abdominal muscles.
Such muscles fail to provide adequate support to your back. Being
overweight puts additional strain on your back.- Stress :
Stress and strain of every day life play an important role in the
causing backache. Financial problems, family tensions and fatigue can
actually cause back muscle spasm.
- Pain
- Lost Time
- Expense
- Inconvenience
- Disability
back is the most injury prone part of your body! Humans do not have the
structural advantage of walking on all four limbs and therefore their
backs have to bear the brunt of their weight.
The back has to
also cope up with the ever-increasing stress of daily life, poor
posture, lack of exercising and overeating. When your back has had
enough, unfortunately it can not stop working and take a break! Its
work goes on, even when it is hurt.
But if you ignore the
warning sign of back pain and do not adequately care for your backache,
then the backache can become chronic, until sooner or later your back
simply collapses - and so do you!!
- You have pain that persists without improvement for one week
- You have back pain that radiates down your leg
- You have severe pain that interferes with normal functioning
- You have numbness or tingling in your legs
- You lose bowel or bladder control
severe or persistent backache should be brought to your doctor”s
attention. Your doctor can help you to diagnose your back problem early
and to treat it accordingly. Accurate diagnosis requires complete
medical history and physical examination.
To find out clues to
your back problems, doctor asks you several questions related to the
pain and your life style. Doctor obtains a great deal of information by
looking at your back in various positions and observing your general
posture and range of movements.
Doctor may also look for
muscular weakness and sensory changes in your legs. Apart from history
and physical examination doctor may ask for x-rays of your back. In
certain cases, doctor asks for some special investigations such as -
- Myelogram
- CT scan
- MRI studies
on the exact nature and the cause for your backache your doctor will
advise you proper treatment that can be a combination of following -
- Application of heat or ice to the affected area
- Massage
- Medication
- Physiotherapy
- Exercises
- Relaxation techniques
you know that back problems are one of the most preventable problems?
There is no simple solution to back pain. Though your doctor can guide
you on the road to recovery, a healthy, pain free back is almost always
up to you. Only YOU can improve your posture and learn ways to prevent
back strain in your daily activities.
Only YOU can follow
(with your doctor”s advice) a daily exercise plan to build strong
supporting back and abdominal muscles. This way only YOU can maintain
your back”s three natural curves in their normal, balanced alignment.
So, have a check-up from your physician and get his advice on how you
can -
1) Improve your posture
2) Get in shape and reduce your weight
3) Exercise and strengthen your back muscles
4) Learn some relaxation techniques
5) Learn to lift up things safely
In Short -
1) Exercise your Body
2) Relax your Mind
3) Maintain a proper posture in whatever you are doing!
4) Learn importance of posture - Consult your physician.
& Enjoy A Healthy Back!!!
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