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Monday, June 27, 2011

Tinnitus - Effective Treatments

Tinnitus - Effective Treatments

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a ringing, swishing, or other type of noise that seems to
originate in the ear or head. In many cases it is not a serious problem, but
rather a nuisance that eventually resolves.
It is not a single disease, but a symptom of an underlying condition. Nearly
36 million Americans suffer from this disorder. In almost all cases, only the
patient can hear the noise.

What causes tinnitus?

Tinnitus can arise in any of the following areas: the outer ear, the middle
ear, the inner ear, or by abnormailities in the brain. Some tinnitus or head
noise is normal. If one goes into a sound proof booth and normal outside noise
is diminished, one becomes aware of these normal sounds. We are usually not
aware of these normal body sounds, because outside noise masks them. Anything,
such as wax or a foreign body in the external ear, that blocks these background
sounds will cause us to be more aware of our own head sounds. Fluid, infection,
or disease of the middle ear bones or ear drum (tympanic membrane) can also
cause tinnitus.
One of the most common causes of tinnitus is damage to the microscopic
endings of the hearing nerve in the inner ear. Advancing age is generally
accompanied by a certain amount of hearing nerve impairment, and consequently
tinnitus. Today, loud noise
is a very common cause of tinnitus, and it often damages hearing as
well. Unfortunately, many people are unconcerned about the harmful effects of
excessively loud noise, firearms, and high intensity music. Some medications
(for example, aspirin) and
other diseases of the inner ear (Meniere’s syndrome) can cause
tinnitus. Tinnitus can in very rare situations be a symptom of such serious
problems as an aneurysm or a
brain tumor (acoustic tumor).

How is tinnitus evaluated?

A medical history, physical examination, and a series of special tests can
help determine precisely where the tinnitus is originating. It is helpful for
the doctor to know if the tinnitus is constant, intermittent or pulsating
(synchronous with the heart beat), or is it associated with hearing loss or loss of balance
(vertigo). All patients with
persisting unexplained tinnitus need a hearing test (audiogram). Patterns of
hearing loss may lead the doctor to the diagnosis.
Other tests, such as the auditory brain stem response (ABR), a computerized
test of the hearing nerves and brain pathways, computer tomography scan (CT scan) or, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI
scan) may be needed to rule out a tumor occurring on the hearing or balance
nerve. These tumors are rare, but they can cause tinnitus.

What is the treatment of tinnitus?

After a careful evaluation, your doctor may find an identifiable cause and be
able to treat or make recommendations to treat the tinnitus. Once you have had a
thorough evaluation, an essential part of treatment is your own understanding of
the tinnitus (what has caused it, and your options for treatment).
In many cases, there is no specific treatment for tinnitus. It may simply go
away on its own, or it may be a permanent disability that the patient will have
to “live with.” Some otolaryngologists have recommended niacin to treat tinnitus.
However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that niacin helps reduce
tinnitus, and it may cause problems with skin flushing.

Can tinnitus be prevented?

Do not place objects in your ear such as cotton swabs (Q-tips) to clean your
ear. This can cause a wax impaction against your eardrum which can cause
tinnitus. Take blood pressure
and other prescribed medications as they are ordered by your
According to the American Tinnitus Association there are several things you
can do to protect yourself from excessive noise related tinnitus:
  • Protect your hearing at work. Your work place should follow Occupational
    Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Wear ear plugs or
    earmuffs and follow hearing conservation guidelines set by your
  • When around any noise that bothers your ears (a concert, sporting event,
    hunting) wear hearing protection or reduce noise levels.
  • Even everyday noises,
    such as blow drying your hair or using a lawnmower, can require protection. Keep
    ear plugs or earmuffs handy for these activities.

Is there anything to do to lessen intensity of the tinnitus?

It is important to realize that the hearing system is one of the most
delicate and sensitive mechanisms in the body. Since it is a part of the general
nervous system, it is sensitive, to some degree, by anything that affects the
overall health of the individual (both physical and psychological). Therefore,
in order to lessen the intensity of tinnitus, it is advisable to make every
effort to:
  • Avoid exposure to loud sounds and noises.
  • Control blood pressure.
  • Decrease salt intake.
  • Avoid nerve stimulants such as coffee and colas (caffeine) and tobacco (nicotine).
  • Reduce anxiety.
  • Try to stop worrying about the tinnitus. Often, the more you worry and
    concentrate on the noise, the louder it will become.
  • Get adequate rest and avoid fatigue.
  • Exercise.
  • Utilize masking noise. Tinnitus is usually more bothersome when the
    surroundings are quiet, especially when you are in bed. A competing sound such
    as a ticking clock, a radio, a fan or white noise machine may help mask
    tinnitus. Small hearing aid like devices which generate a competitive sound may
    help reduce the awareness of the tinnitus.
  • Biofeedback may help or
    diminish tinnitus in some patients.
  • Avoid aspirin or aspirin products in large quantities.

Tinnitus At A Glance
  • Tinnitus is abnormal ear noise.
  • Tinnitus can arise in any of the four sections of the ear: the outer ear,
    the middle ear, the inner ear, and the brain.
  • Persisting unexplained tinnitus is evaluated with a hearing test
  • Measures can be taken to lessen the intensity of tinnitus.

Follow the mentioned tips to lead a healthy and a happy life.


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